Welcome to Meneer Champagne!

What started years ago as a first visit to a small champagne house somewhere in the Vallée de la Marne, has developed into a true passion for the sparkling gold we call champagne. During many wanderings through all the Champagne regions, a love for the smaller independent champagne houses quickly developed. It is precisely those places where the winemaker makes a beautiful product with love, passion and persuasion, that are favorite with Meneer Champagne.

Meneer Champagne would like to share his passion and introduce you to sparkling gems from the entire champagne region. We offer tastings, a champagne bar for your event, a sabreur who opens your bottles, extra festive large bottles, birth and anniversary bottles and business and Christmas gifts.

Santé, Bonheur, Champagne!


Meneer Champagne provides various tastings that can be fully tailored to your wishes. For example, we offer:
parallax background

Meneer Champagnebar

Make your party, wedding or event even more vibrant with the Meneer Champagne bar. Treat your guests to a champagne menu specially made for your event.

Let your guests become acquainted with a variety of champagnes. Supplement the Meneer Champagne bar with an extra festive large bottle or with champagne from a birth or anniversary year. Or combine the Meneer Champagne bar with a sabrage in which the champagne is opened spectacularly with a saber by Meneer Champagne.


Since Napoleon went to war against the Russian Cossacks, champagne bottles have been opened in a spectacular way with a saber. As a Chevalier-Sabreur within the Confrérie du Sabre d’Or, Meneer Champagne continues this noble tradition. Open your party, company or house with a sabrage. Meneer Champagne can make this happen. Or you can do it your self under the supervision of Meneer Champagne. A sabrage workshop can also be combined with a tasting.

Large bottles

A normal bottle of champagne is already festive but a Magnum (1.5 L), Jeroboam (3 L) or Mathusalem (6 L) gives your party or event even more grandeur. Meneer Champagne offers a variety of high-quality large bottles.

Birth and anniversary year bottles

Give (yourself) a special gift: a bottle of champagne from your year of birth, year of marriage or other anniversary year. Meneer Champagne is a specialist in finding and offering older and rare champagnes.


Meneer Champagne also provides exclusive business and Christmas gifts. These are tailor-made especially for you.

Meneer Champagnebar

Make your party, wedding or event even more vibrant with the Meneer Champagne bar. Treat your guests to a champagne menu specially made for your event.

Let your guests become acquainted with a variety of champagnes. Supplement the Meneer Champagne bar with an extra festive large bottle or with champagne from a birth or anniversary year. Or combine the Meneer Champagne bar with a sabrage in which the champagne is opened spectacularly with a saber by Meneer Champagne.


Since Napoleon went to war against the Russian Cossacks, champagne bottles have been opened in a spectacular way with a saber. As a Chevalier-Sabreur within the Confrérie du Sabre d’Or, Meneer Champagne continues this noble tradition. Open your party, company or house with a sabrage. Meneer Champagne can make this happen. Or you can do it your self under the supervision of Meneer Champagne. A sabrage workshop can also be combined with a tasting.

Large bottles

A normal bottle of champagne is already festive but a Magnum (1.5 L), Jeroboam (3 L) or Mathusalem (6 L) gives your party or event even more grandeur. Meneer Champagne offers a variety of high-quality large bottles.

Birth and anniversary year bottles

Give (yourself) a special gift: a bottle of champagne from your year of birth, year of marriage or other anniversary year. Meneer Champagne is a specialist in finding and offering older and rare champagnes.


Meneer Champagne also provides exclusive business and Christmas gifts. These are tailor-made especially for you.

Do you have questions or do you want more information?
Please contact us!
